Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Hi Friends! I posted an excerpt from this book before but I wanted to again point out how awesome it is. My moms' Bible study just finished it and the Lord has really taught me a lot through it. I really recommend it. Click here for more info on the author.

Also, moms and moms-to-be: for those of you who are/will be nursing, I want to recommend these nursing pads (some of you have already heard this from me). Since we do have some male readers, I'll leave it by saying, They are awesome: Check it out and email me with any questions. Thanks to my mother-in-law for finding them and my sister-in-law Stacey for passing them on to me!!

1 comment:

Emmyshell said...

Thanks for both tips! Which disposable pads have you found best?